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on Drawing
Great books for cranking
up your creativity
Great books for bolstering your imagination, cranking up your
creativity, and skyrocketing your "Idea Generating Quotient".
You'll find all sorts of books that can help get you excited
about drawing, about increasing your creativity, and your artistic
production. Find books that'll help you remove the stumbling
blocks to getting started and some just plain fun books on caricatures
and cartoons. Please feel free to recommend any books you think
would be helpful. Enjoy.
My number one Highest Recommended Book:
Dr. Betty Edwards "Drawing
on the Right Side of the Brain". If I could make this
required reading, I would! Not because I get a small fee for
selling it, but because it's the source book
for the foundation's of drawing skills (the "5 skills")
It chronicle's breakthrough research in neuro-physiology and
how it literally affects the way we see the world. |
Dr. Edwards' landmark book is also a fascinating reference companion
that can only add depth and insight to your drawing experience.
You'll be convinced anybody can learn to draw - including
you. |
Books for increasing
your creativity |
My number 2 most
recommended book: Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way"
For those of you having trouble getting started drawing, (or
any art, craft, discipline, even entrepeneuring ) I highly recommend
this book. Ms. Cameron outlines a 12 week guided, intensive program
where you'll start from scratch getting to the root of your hesitation
and rediscovering your own gifts. |
The program is built around the daily discipline of morning writing
and a weekly "artist's date". Simple prescription with
powerful results. Probing and insightful. Julia
Cameron's "The Artist Way" |
"The Einstein Factor"
To order press
by Win Wenger, Richard Poe (contributor)
Drawing is a visual function. And just
like Betty Edwards explains so well in her book above, drawing
is away to tap into the whole other, largely forgotten, mostly
unconscious part of our brain. Drawing is one road to it. |
In the Einstein Factor, author
Wenger details powerful exercises he's worked decades developing.
By studying Albert Einsteins letters, laboratory notes and habits,
Wenger aims (and succeeds) at uncovering clues about the way
Einstein's brain works, how other great thinkers come up with
their ideas - and how you and I can benefit from what he's
I like this book because it shows you
all the different ways your mind works in images and pictures
- how it's constantly tossing up images, sensations and emotions.
You'll learn to build an awareness of the subtle offerings that
come from deep within your own mind, from your own subconscious.
You'll learn to respect those pictures and "visuals"
as clues to something going on that's much greater, much more
profound than just "coming up with ideas". |
If you're after more than just "right-brain
access" you'll learn a whole arsenal of techniques and tools
to access your creative, image-spewing, at times even danger-predicting
"quiet" mind. To order
press Einstein
Factor |
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"You Can Draw!"
707 8th Street, Hermosa Beach CA 90254
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e-mail: jeffkaz@earthlink.net |