Questions? Interested in Buying?

E-mail us :-)




Questions? Interested in finding out more? Maybe Buying?

1) Copy and paste this Painting ID:

(size: 3 paintings at 12" x 18"each, unmatted, unframed)

How? Highlight this name (the one in red) by scrolling over it with your mouse
while holding down the left mouse button and press "ctrl" and "c" on your keyboard
at the same time. Then....

2) Click on this: e-mail link. (That'll open your e-mail program)

3) Then, click in either the "subject" field of a new message or in the main message
part (so the cursor starts blinking on that line) and press "ctrl" and "v" on your
keyboard at the same time. This will place the Painting ID

4) ...and send :-)