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Dusty Scott's own art page As you can see Dusty is a master of realism - Dusty - send us your business address and contact info so we can commission you! Father's day:
About Dusty's Paintings "The watercolor is of my father and his first grandson (my nephew). I gave it to him for father's day. I think my problem with Caricatures comes from not knowing what to exaggerate and such...thanks for your help, and I'll keep my pics to show you when I become a passable caricaturist. Until then, call me "grasshopper". Thanks for your time, -Dusty Scott "
Baby head:
More about Dusty "I am an artist by trade and do portraits very regularly, but have always wanted to learn the dark art of caricaturing. Probably not even a real word. I have a couple of friends in the art community who can whip a caricature out in a minute, but for all of my ability I have never been able to do it - even when being coached by my friends who give me pointers now and then. I was starting to think that they had sold their souls to satan or something because no matter how much I practice I have never been able to grasp it. I am attaching a couple of my pieces to show you that I can do decent work, just never gotten the hang of the caricature (all work is copyrighted by Dusty Scott, all rights reserved)...
...As I am only a day into your lessons, I can't say I've made any real progress. However I am a better ear, nose, and eye renderer for having learned more about the anatomy of the parts. I will keep you updated on my progress, and if I ever get the hang of it you'll come highly recommended to the students who take drawing lessons from me occasionally." Dusty - you do amazing work. I think the part that trips up fine artists, realists like yourself is similar to what trips up musicians when they take the leap from learning from sheet music to stepping into improvisation: they get dependent on the actual sheet music. Realists get a little caught on exactness in every detail. I think that's why it can be so scary: there's no apparent safety net, no sheet music to fall back on, no real standard of comparison for the direction you take. And that can be a little beyond a person's comfort zone. It's scary enough drawing or painting faces, worrying about a likeness and all, then to exaggerate too. Caricature is improvisation, shooting from the hip - and in the beginning it's in slow motion. There is a leap of faith and that's the scariest part. Follow that first impulse. And take baby steps. Baby steps will get you in that room. -Jeff. PS - we're waiting on those caricatures :-)
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