August 4th
*****************************************************'s Insider Communiqué
today’s e-zine:
1) Series: Constructing parts of the head and face
with “primitive shapes”: this issue - the eye.
2) What was
wrong - or different - about Pete Towshends
Primitive forms...again:-)
Good day all! Back an issue or two, (which
might be a full month ago now) we began looking at primitive shapes and how
all the different parts of the head and face could be broken down into the
primitive forms. (Review: what are the primitive forms? Ans:
in two dimensions: circles, squares, and triangles. In three dimensions:
spheres, cones, pyramids, tubes, cylinders, and combinations of all those.
The motivation for doing this? By understanding the primitive
shapes and how light behaved on each, you could look into and interpret all
the different parts of the face as variations of those primitive forms. The
result? You can infer without thinking too hard, logical shading and
shadowing for your own works of art. Then you can infuse them with real
three dimensional appeal.
More noses
Last time we
looked at the nose. We saw it could be related to a cone shape but that was
a pretty simplified version. See the attached illustration
(“a1nose_break_down.gif”), for a much more complicated - but also
much more interesting - version of it. See if you can't draw this freehand
yourself. (The detached, broken glass looking thing on the right is the tip
of the nose broken up into cubes and triangular “pizza pie”

The eye as a primitive form(s)
Moving on to the
eye. You can see the eye as a combination of two primitive forms: a cylinder
and a sphere. The upper and lower lids can be interpreted as chopped-off
cylinders sandwiching the sphere of the eye. As you look at the drawing
(“a1eyes1.gif”), you might also see it as a sphere within a

When I look closely at this picture though, I see the upper lid
as more of a sphere and the lower lid as more of a chopped off tube. It’s a
little subjective. Look at some real eyes - in the mirror or on an innocent
bystander and see if you can't see this. then check out illustration
“a1eyes_in-place2” and see if you can't make out the shapes you saw
in “a1eyes1.gif”. In this picture, you'll see an eye set
within it’s bony recess.

Robot head
Then move on to
the final, mechanical looking pair of eyes (“a1funky_eyes.jpg”).
Again look to see if you can't see how the eyes fit into the rest of the
face as a fairly simple geometric shape. The picture is actually pretty
complicated but all of it can be broken down into simple geometric shapes.
This is a spin off of a Berne Hogarth illustration - I just added a
cross-hatched effect to my own interpretation of his Marvel Comic book
style. (I think Hogarth does a wonderful job of volumizing the forms of the
head and body. He also adds a surreal effect to his

2) Answer to Pete Townshend question: What's
wrong with his eyes?
Lastly, the answer to the question about “what’s
wrong with Pete Townshend’s eyes?” It’s this: his left eye (the eye we see
on the right), is very dark - it has a black iris. Pete has blue eyes and
you can see the difference in the corrected version. It’s amazing to me how
this little difference makes the drawing look so much more like “Pete”. See
“a1tenznd_compare.jpg” to see this.

That’s all for today folks.
If you have any questions, please don't be shy about asking. Keep on drawing
and talk to you soon :-)
Jeffrey O. Kasbohm Executive Director
"Once and for all getting
you drawing faces and caricatures"