8 May 2000 Hi everybody,
Here's this issue's caricature: Snoop Doggy Dogg (see at
bottom). Check out the April 21st Snoop exaggeration
series in the Archives - and you can follow the
progression to today's final. Could he have been
exaggerated more? Sure!
And I challenge any of you who're feeling adventurous to
send me a further
exaggeration - I'll post it for everyone to see. Here's
the link to the
Archives - scroll down until you see April 21st:
Reviewing today's Caricature:
I drew this one again on Grumbacher "Paper for
Pens" paper. I took the final
exaggeration (I did one more from the series of three you
saw on April
21st), did it in pencil again, and when I liked it,
scanned it, blew it up
about another 30%, printed it, then stuck it on the light
box where I did a
light pencil trace. Lastly, I did the cross-hatching. I
used a Pigma Micron 01 technical pen for all the inking.
It was hard for me not to over-hatch (a tendency I've had
in the past), but
I think I did a good job of limiting myself. (I think
writing the section on
shadows really made me review light and shadow.)
Compared to the last pencil exaggeration (in the April
21st email), the
changes made in this one were:
1) thinning and stretching the neck even more,
2) making the nose still larger
3) making the ear larger
4) not going too hog-wild on the billy-goat beard
5) flattening the head a little more
6) getting a realistic "corn-row" effect, (the
hair style), without too much
The question everyone has is "why did I choose
those?". That's something that
comes in time - zeroing in on what to exploit, but more
than anything else those were the things that struck me
as most prominent, asking to be exaggerated. Look at any
picture and think of "Mr. Average", and ask how
any part of the person's face deviates from that (from
Mr.Average that is).
Go back and look at the different feature's sections and
see if you can't
identify the different sub-parts of the features in
Snoop's face. (Eg, look
at the ear, see if you can't pick out the helix, the
anti-helix, the shadow
area, etc).
Squint at this picture and seek out the major shadow
areas and ask yourself "How does this shape
contribute to the 3-dimensional effect of the overall
That's all for today folks. One last thing - I've done a
lot of re-editing,
updated the Archives, the Gallery, and added three short
animations in the
sections on eyes, ears and noses. Check 'em out and let
me know what you
think. I always appreciate your feedback. Keep on
Jeff k.
