Hi everybody, Hope you're enjoying the weekend. This week's caricature is the finished version of Carlos Santana. (A cross-hatching nightmare, I wore out my wrist on this one! The original is about 2 times the screen size you're seeing. I'll quit my whining ;-).) Compare this to the penciled series of Sr. Santana from 2 weeks ago. (3/10/00 - You'll have to look in your old emails - I haven't uploaded it to the main site yet. For new subscribers - I'll be uploading it this week.) This picture was drawn on Pentalic "Paper for Pens" paper using a pencil outline first then "inked-in" with Pigma Micron 001 and 005 fine point technical pens. (About $4.00 American each.) Send any and all questions! Take care and keep on drawing! Warmly, Jeff k. PS - Good news: I've changed the usage policy slightly on ALL caricatures. You're free to use them in any and all of your publications, web sites, or business/personal communications, advertising etc. I don't care. If you're using them in a purely editorial fashion, I request you contact me first. (Email or call.) All I ask in return is this: leave the "Courtesy of YouCanDraw.com" visible on the caricature. If you DO snip it out for aesthetic reasons I request you give attribution to "YouCanDraw.com" some place close by so it's easily associated with the illustration. That's all I ask! Thanks so much.
Carlos Santana |