September 23, 2000
Hi all!
Hope you're having a stupendous weekend, I've even stolen a little time to
watch the Olympics - (which makes me think I should have been looking ahead
two weeks ago, I could have drawn SOMEBODY more in the news :-)
Any way, I've finished up the Anthony Robbins caricature. I continued the
trend I went into detail describing 2 weeks ago, namely:
Hair and forehead: continued squeezing the forehead, keeping the hair a
little more snug on the head,
Eyes lost a little detail from the original, which takes a tad away from
their realness, but adds a little more cartoon feel. (Sometimes desirable,
sometimes not). I also tried to make the eyes eyelids droopier. Two things
happened when I did this. 1) he looked angry (because I gave the line above
the lower margin of the upper lid too sharp a curve to it - erased in this
picture, and 2) second he looked stoned. So I undid that too and referred to
the original picture to see how the curves really work around the eyes
(how the edges work).
Nose - lengthened, widened around the nostrils - made a special attempt to
maintain the hard triangular shape to the actual nostrils shadows.
Mouth and teeth - just keep on getting bigger, which adds to a larger jaw
and chin. Tried to heighten the contrast between gums and lip shadows so the
gums became more prominent.
Also observe the lines around the corners of the mouth, (the dimples) - I
felt these were real important for capturing a likeness.
Lips were difficult, but using the "negative space" approach, I concentrated
on the shape of the darkest shadow between the bottom of the teeth and the
upper margin of the lower lip, and the shadow beneath the lower lip to help
make clear the shape of the lip (kind of the "default" approach.) But it
works so well!
That's a general drawing tip: when you're up against a complicated body
shape, (or any complicated shape for that matter), look at the shapes AROUND
it. Seeing the unique shape around the complicated shape takes a lot of the
burden off drawing the complicated shape.
Ears seemed to shrink even more. I did do a quick sketch with Mr. Robbins
having elephantine ears and I got a good laugh out of it. But, it didn't
seem to be him - it was too easy, almost cheap. Maybe I'm just being too
kind. :-)
To see an original photo of Mr Robbins see:
That's all for this week. If you've just subscribed, all previous e-zines
and caricatures are stored in the Archives at the Insider's Artist Loft.
(Though I'm a little behind at updating, updating is scheduled for 2 weeks
from now.)

Keep on drawing, and keep sending your questions and drawings!
Jeff K
Kasbohm & Company's
© Copyright, All rights reserved 1997
e-mail: jeffkaz@YouCanDraw