Hi all!
Here's the final Magic Johnson caricature. I've included the realistic
sketch in the upper left. In the next communique we'll go into an evaluation
of it. So I recommend printing this out or putting the email in a place you
can find again in a week. (I know, I said it would be in this one but I'm
buying a little time - the NEW YouCanDraw.com sales site will be up in the
next few days and it's a time sponge. Not to worry, everything else will
remain the same.)
I'd also love to tell you that the Spock caricature - the very same one you
see and have access to in the both the old sales site and in the Art Gallery
was just rented for $250.00 for a tenth grade Language Arts text book (it'll
be used in the guess where - op-ed pages). Holt, Winston and Rinehart is the
publisher. It was used as is, right off the Internet (which is actually why
I let go so inexpensively - I didn't have to do anything from scratch and
it's low resolution). He's still there to keep an eye on "sys-ops" or
whatever techies call it.
I'm just telling you that so you know you're getting "non-fluff", valuable
pictures (and of course there's a little pride thing in there too - I'm a
proud poppa :-). And you get it for your personal use (or for your small
biz), royalty free!

Remember all questions, inquiries, and comments are appreciated. None will
go unanswered. Keep on drawing!
Jeff K.
Kasbohm & Company's
© Copyright, All rights reserved 1997
e-mail: jeffkaz@YouCanDraw