*** Daily Sketchbook -- Figure Drawings - Page 2 *** |
My influences: Gerorge Bridgeman, Michael Mentler, Ron Lemon, Michael Hampton, Michel Lauricella
( and many others); Check out their books at Amazon.
Returning to uploading in 2024 : going back to 2022 drawings:
So click on a thumbnail --
it will now open in it's own page in your browser. Forgive me for the rather exuberant coloring -- getting "levels"
and color saturation accurate and racing through pictures, well, I think the idea gets across: anatomy. But I have a challenge for you. As
you go through these ask "what color is the reflected light and what color is the actual highlight?" [Ans: actual highlight is white, reflected
light is orange to yellow -- but look how fantastically the yellow or orange really looks like reflected light - a very live reflected light.
[compared to the earlier pictures, the latest ones – which were photographed – were much harder to reproduce evenly. I apologize - the
old scanner has since gone to the junk pile]
Coming: We're experimenting here - finding the fastest ways to upload and prepare photos.
So there's going to be some range of color and quality - sorry if that effects printing out. But remember, as long as you give obvious attribution to...
Jeff Kasbohm,
feel free to use!
And while we're at it, to the left is a sample of recent drawings from March 2024 -- the drawings are
definitely evolving... |

2022-Nov-21-22 |


2022-Nov-25-26 |

2022-Nov-27-28 |

2022-Nov-29-30 |
* Just for fun, zoom in! On Windows, hit [ctrl] and [+] simultanously. Everytime you hit the + plus sign, you'll zoom in, and
of course if you hit [ctrl] and [-] , each time you tap on the "-" ( i.e. the minus sign), you'll zoom back out...which makes the
screen smaller. There's a fair amount of detail to be seen if you zoom in. Cool! :-)