Nine ways You're already Using Your
(You don't think about it
in the way you reason through a question - that is, you don't literally
ask yourself "How fast did that batter just smack that baseball
at me, the shortstop?" You don't even use words. You just do
it. They involve calculations and judgments that are nonverbal, non-
rational, non-"Left-Brained". In fact the verbal, linear,
rational "Left" side of the brain just throws up it's hands
and in effect says "this is beyond me".) And the biggest clue that you've
slipped in to your "Right Brain" is that you probably weren't
even talking - more than likely, if you think about it, something made
you quit talking, in mid-sentance. You left the words just floating
off in mid-air... What we're looking for here are hints you already use your "Right Brain" - some may appear so trivial they're hardly worth mentioning. But all point to the fact that things you already do, and take for granted, show you're a master at them, and, that these are actually the same functions and abilities you tap when you draw, whether you draw or not. (back to top) Why learn how to do that? Because once you master this, once you're aware you can go from "left-brain" to "right-brain" and back again to "left" modes, (or go from language modes to distance and space modes) - that you can switch back and forth between them at will, that's when you've put your foot in the same room as the one you need to be in to draw. I'll say that again: once you know you can control these shifts, you can learn to draw. And I think that's pretty exciting.
In retrospect can you recall the moment you stopped talking? When you literally couldn't talk? Think further and recall how it "felt" in your body to judge the distance between you and the Suburban. You didn't have to reason your way through it, you didn't say "well if he's closing the gap at sixty five mph, and I'm only going sixty mph, and there's twenty five feet between us, and I'm moving in to the right lane at four feet per second..." Heck no. You knew it in a split second. I'll bet you can even recall a sudden flash, or a picture or a sensation that you knew you could squeeze by and make your exit. (back to top) Nothing miraculous right? (Though it is pretty miraculous when you think about it: "Oh it was just something I did" you say). You're tapping the part of your brain that judges distance and space, - one or more of the five skills you use while drawing. And these are very different skills than language skills. Hint: Here's the thing to look for and practice: developing an awareness that something "shifted" in your brain. "What the heck does that mean?" We're looking for simple clues that your brain is at work on all sorts of levels and modes, that it's shifting back and forth between those modes - all the time. Some involve talking, some involve physical sensations, other involve gauging distances, sound, etc. If we can identify those moments in time right around where you make those shifts, then I'll have done my job for today. (back to top)
The point of all this isn't to decide which side of your brain you're using, but to become aware that there are different sensibilities and skills you already possess that you can and do jump in and out of moment to moment. (back to top) Click here for secure order area on home page
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